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St Andrews & North East Fife Ramblers

St Andrews Country & Coast Circular

07 February 2024

Grade C+: 5.5mls/3hrs Ascent: 40m/130ft Depart: FCPC at 10:30 Walk start: Petherham Car Park, St Andrews at 11:00 OS: 59 GR: NO 502 169 Description: Circular walk along West Sands coastal road & path, along Eden Estuary, returning through Balgove Estate & North Haugh. Tracks and minor roadsa alongside coast, golf courses and interesting Balgove Estate. Note:  RADO NoSC. Walk may be subject to change (weather etc). Please contact walk leader to book your place, thank you. Leader: Will Aitken: 01334 470066 or 07908 721466

Please note change of time to meet at FCPC, it is now 10:30, there is an error in the AJP booklet - shows 09:30.
